Conditions générales de la SRL NALIOS dans le cadre de la Prestation de Services
2 bte 31 Avenue
d’Ecolys 5020 Namur
BCE n° 0755.733.730
1. Applicability. All contracts entered into and services provided by SRL NALIOS (hereinafter "the Company") are subject to these general terms and conditions, to the exclusion of those of the Customer. The Customer declares that he has read and accepted these terms and conditions before entering into the contract. Acceptance of the Company's offer therefore implies acceptance of the general terms and conditions without restriction(s) or reservation(s).
2. Services provided by the Company. §1 The Company is an expert in consulting and training in software implementation and change management. The consultancy services to be provided by the Company for the Customer will be defined by the Parties prior to the commencement of the services, and the Parties will adapt and/or extend them by mutual agreement, if necessary. The Company also provides Odoo software support/maintenance services. §2 The Company is free to subcontract all or part of the services to be provided for the Customer to third parties.
3. Obligations du Client. §1. Le Client est tenu de fournir à la Société, spontanément et dès la conclusion du contrat, toute information en lien avec les prestations à accomplir par la Société. §2. Dans le cas où le Client resterait en défaut de collaborer à la prestation des services par la Société, ne respecterait pas les délais ou les accords convenus, la Société pourra mettre fin à ses prestations, sans indemnité en faveur du Client. §3. Le Client est responsable d’exactitude et de la complétude des informations et pièces qu’il fournit à la Société.
§4. Le Client veillera à prévoir les mesures appropriées pour protéger ses ordinateurs et son système informatique.
4. Obligations de la Société. §1. La Société s’engage à fournir ses meilleurs efforts aux fins de réaliser les prestations dans les délais convenus. Les obligations à charge de la Société sont toutefois des obligations de moyens, et non de résultat.
§2.The Company takes appropriate organizational and administrative measures to prevent its services from giving rise to conflicts of interest between Clients. To this end, the Client is required to inform the Company of any information that could enable the Company to detect a conflict of interest on the part of the Company.
Obligations within the framework of support/maintenance services subject to monthly or annual subscription concluded with Nalios.
4.1. Bug fixing. En cas de bug lié directement au programme
Odoo, la Société s’engage à écrire, établir et suivre le ticket de support sur et se réfère aux conditions générales de Oodoo (point 4.1.), disponibles à l’adresse : ms/enterprise.html#services.
4.2. Support. §1. Pendant la durée du contrat, le Client peut ouvrir un nombre illimité de tickets gratuitement, exclusivement pour des questions relatives aux bugs Odoo (voir
point 4.1) ou aux fonctionnalités standard de Odoo déjà implémentées par la Société dans la base de production du Client. §2. Les autres demandes, telles que les questions relatives à des fonctionnalités/applications non implémentées par la Société ou à des développements encore à réaliser, les Parties se concerteront à ce sujet, la Société étant libre de considérer si ces questions rentrent dans sa mission de support.
§3. Les tickets peuvent être soumis via e-mail à [email protected]
5. Responsabilité de la Société §1. Si les prestations de la Société doivent être réalisées dans un délai déterminé, la Société ne sera pas responsable d’un dépassement de ce délai qui serait imputable au Client (notamment pour manquement à son obligation telle que précisée à l’article 3§1), à des tiers ou à un cas de force majeure. §2. La Société n’est pas responsable du dommage qui serait la conséquence de l’inexactitude ou du caractère incomplet des informations qui doivent lui être transmises par le Client conformément à l’article 3§1 des présentes conditions générales. §3. La responsabilité de la
Société, que ce soit en matière contractuelle ou extracontractuelle, et pour un fait mis à sa charge ou à la charge de l’un de ses sous-traitants ou employés, est en tout état de cause limitée au montant des services facturés au Client (HTVA) dans le cadre du dossier dans lequel la responsabilité de la Société est mise en cause. A défaut de montant facturé au Client, le plafond de responsabilité de la Société est limité à 7.500,00 EUR par dommage. §4. La Société n’assume aucune responsabilité en cas de dommage ou de perte résultant d’une mauvaise protection de son système informatique par le Client (article 3§4).
6. Price of services. §1 The Company invoices its services on the basis of an hourly rate or any other method agreed between the Parties and set out in a quotation issued by the Company to the Customer. §2 Invoices are issued by the Company either prior to the commencement of its services, or during the course of such services. §3 The Company's invoices are payable in cash. In the absence of any claim or dispute formulated in writing within 14 days of the date of issue of the invoice, the latter is presumed to have been accepted by the Customer. §4 In the event of non-payment by the due date, the invoice will be increased, ipso jure and without formal notice, by interest at the rate of 12% per annum and a fixed indemnity of 10% of the invoice amount, with a minimum of 60.00 EUR. §5 In the event of non-payment of an invoice on its due date, the Company reserves the right to suspend immediately, without prior notice, any further performance of services still to be carried out, irrespective of its right to consider the contract as terminated, and to claim damages.
7. Force majeure. En cas de survenance d’un cas de force majeure qui empêcherait les Parties d’accomplir partiellement ou totalement leurs obligations, ces obligations seront suspendues. Au cas où l’impossibilité d’exécuter leurs obligations devait perdurer plus de six mois, les Parties pourront mettre fin au contrat sans frais ni indemnités. Sont considérés, notamment, comme des cas de force majeure, la grève, la guerre civile, la pandémie, une catastrophe naturelle ou tout autre événement indépendant de leur volonté qui les empêcherait d’accomplir leurs obligations.
8. Marketing materials. The Customer hereby authorizes the Company to use the Customer's name and, if applicable, the Customer's logo or other distinctive sign in its marketing and advertising materials, as well as in its references and on its website.
9. Intellectual property rights. The media, notices, documents, slides or other writings provided to the Customer by the Company in connection with the performance of the services, as well as any drawings, models, trademarks or illustrations appearing thereon, whether registered or not, are and shall remain the exclusive property of the Company and may not be reproduced by the Customer without its consent.
10. Confidentialité. Sous peine de dommages et intérêts, chaque Partie veillera à garder strictement confidentielles les données qui lui sont fournies par l’autre dans le cadre de l’exécution du Contrat et de la réalisation des Services.
11. Personal data. The Customer's personal data is collected and processed by the Company for the purpose(s) of carrying out its contractual mission, managing files and invoicing. The Company undertakes to process the data in accordance with the law of July 30, 2018 on the protection of personal data.
12.Odoo Database Hosting and Backup Services. §1. In providing Odoo database hosting services, the Company undertakes to use all reasonable means to guarantee the availability, integrity and security of hosted data. These measures include, but are not limited to, regular data backups and the application of appropriate security measures to protect data against unauthorized access. §2 However, the Customer acknowledges and accepts that the risks associated with hosting and transferring data over the Internet cannot be completely eliminated. Consequently, in the event of data loss, failure or malfunction resulting from factors beyond the Company's reasonable control, the Company shall not be held liable. §3 The Customer is responsible for maintaining adequate backup copies of all data entrusted to the Company for hosting. §4 The Customer also undertakes to set up strong passwords for all users to ensure secure access to their data. §5 The Customer is also responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations relating to the collection and processing of personal and/or sensitive data. The Company cannot be held responsible for the Customer's failure to comply with such laws and regulations. §6 The specific terms and conditions of Odoo database hosting and backup services, including applicable rates and charges, will be defined in a specific appendix to these general terms and conditions, which will be accepted and signed by the Customer.
§6. Les modalités spécifiques des services d'hébergement et de
sauvegarde de bases de données Odoo, y compris les tarifs et les frais applicables, seront définies dans une annexe spécifique aux présentes conditions générales, qui sera acceptée et signée par le Client
13. Litige. Tout litige qui découlerait de l’exécution du contrat ou des présentes conditions générales sera soumis au droit belge. En cas de litige, les Parties privilégieront la voie amiable afin de régler celui-ci. A défaut, seuls les tribunaux de l’arrondissement du siège social de la Société seront compétents.
Conditions générales de la SRL NALIOS dans le cadre de la Vente de matériel
1. Application
1.1. All contracts for the sale of equipment concluded with SRL NALIOS (hereinafter "the Company") are subject to the present general terms and conditions, to the exclusion of those of the Customer. The Customer declares that he has read and accepted these terms and conditions before entering into the contract. Acceptance of the Company's offer therefore implies acceptance of the general terms and conditions without restriction(s) or reservation(s)..
1.2...The order is deemed concluded when the Customer accepts the Company's offer.The order is deemed concluded when the Customer accepts the Company's offer.
2. Equipment price and payment
2.1. The price of the equipment is that specified in the offer. The prices indicated are the final prices, inclusive of all taxes
2.2. The equipment remains the property of the Company until full payment of the sale price and any delivery charges by the Customer.
2.3. The Company's invoices are payable in cash. In the absence of any written claim or dispute within 14 days of the invoice date, the invoice is deemed to have been accepted by the Customer.
2.4. In the event of non-payment on the due date, the invoice will be increased, ipso jure and without formal notice, by interest at the rate of 12% per annum and a fixed indemnity of 10% of the invoice amount, with a minimum of 100.00 EUR.
3. Livraison
The Company delivers the equipment to the Customer. At the Customer's request, the equipment will be configured by the Company, at a price to be agreed between the Parties.
4. Réclamations
Upon receipt of the equipment, the Customer is obliged to check the quantity, quality and conformity of the products delivered, and is also obliged to check the products for any apparent defects. Should the Customer fail to react within 48 hours of delivery, by registered mail, to any apparent defect affecting the equipment delivered, he shall be deemed to have accepted them without reservation.
5. Garantie
In the event of a problem with the equipment, the Customer undertakes to proceed via the ticketing system proposed by the Company. The Company's intervention will in any case be limited to reimbursing 25% of the price of the defective equipment, or to taking back the equipment for repair, if this is possible.
6. Personal data
The Customer's personal data is collected and processed by the Company for the purpose(s) of fulfilling its contractual mission, managing the Company's operations and providing the Customer with the necessary information.
7. Litiges
13. Disputes. Any dispute arising from the performance of the contract or these general terms and conditions shall be subject to Belgian law. In the event of a dispute, the Parties shall give priority to amicable settlement. Failing this, the courts of the district of the Company's registered office shall have sole jurisdiction.
Nos conditions générales de ventes par agence
Nalios Wallonie :
Nalios Flandre :
Nalios Suisse :
Nalios France :
Nalios Antilles-Guyane :